First Presbyterian Church Logo


First Presbyterian Church ministers to our congregation and community through Ministries and Mission Progects

Weekly Prayer Requests

We are happy to pray for the needs of our congregation and community.  To submit a prayer request, please contact the church at 775-847-0298.


The First Presbyterian Church Deacons provide a Local Assistance Fund and Spiritual Care through cards

Music Outreach

Our Music Ministry includes the Intergalactic Non-Tabernacle Choir as well as Family Potlucks with Gospel Sing-a-Longs.

Christian Education

We have Sunday Adult Education including book, Bible and Video Studies.  For more details check the calendar or your weekly bulletin.

Mission Projects

First Presbyterian Church is pleased to support the following programs
Sierra Nevada Teen Ranch Logo
Community Chest Logo
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
First Presbyterian Church Logo


Historic First Presbyterian Church in Virginia City is a family church which welcomes everyone.  Join us for worship services on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am


First Presbyterian Church
196 S. "C" Street
Virginia City, NV  89440
(775) 847-0298
[email protected]