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May 16, 2022

Potlucks and Sing-a-longs back by popular demand

Gospel sing along potluck

We are happy announce the return of our Potlucks and Sing-a-longs which start this coming Wednesday, May 18th at 6pm – All are welcome and boy are they a lot of fun!!!  If you have an instrument, a voice that wants to sing, or a pot to bang on, bring it along as we make music to our Lord and enjoy each others company. Potluck Sing-a-longs are also scheduled for Wednesday, June 15th, July 20th and August 17th.

Plan to bring some food to share for the potluck.

Gospel Sing Along Poster
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Historic First Presbyterian Church in Virginia City is a family church which welcomes everyone.  Join us for worship services on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am


First Presbyterian Church
196 S. "C" Street
Virginia City, NV  89440
(775) 847-0298
[email protected]